BDA Announces New Mandatory Asbestos Awareness Training for Audits

May 22, 2024

The British Drilling Association (BDA) has announced a significant update to its audit requirements, focusing on the need for Asbestos Awareness Training (AAT) among drilling operatives. Analysis of BDA Audit statistics over the past three years has identified a critical gap in training, with 25% of auditees lacking formal asbestos training.

The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 (CAR 2012) mandates that all personnel who may encounter asbestos during their work, including supervisors and managers, must undergo basic Asbestos Awareness Training. This requirement is particularly relevant as 80 to 90% of UK brownfield sites are potentially contaminated with asbestos-containing materials (ACMs).

Commencing 1st October 2024, it will be mandatory for all auditees undergoing the BDA audit to have completed Asbestos Awareness Training. While refresher training is not mandated by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), the BDA recommends regular updates to maintain knowledge.

AAT aims to educate individuals about the history, dangers, and identification of asbestos, ensuring they can recognise ACMs and halt work if asbestos is suspected. However, AAT alone does not qualify individuals to assess or manage asbestos risks on-site. For tasks involving potential asbestos disturbance, additional non-licensed asbestos training is required.

The BDA encourages operatives to undertake task-specific AAT courses tailored to ground engineering or geotechnical works. When handling or sub-sampling ACMs, Non-Licensed Work (NLW) training becomes necessary under CAR 2012.

This proactive measure by the BDA underscores the importance of safety and compliance in the drilling industry, aiming to protect workers and maintain high standards across operations.

For more detailed information on the new audit requirements and training recommendations, please visit our website here:

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